If you think this is a sexist/strategic take on the TVC 'Blackberry Boys', which somehow forgot to mention/portray 'Corporate Girls', you are surely going to get disappointed.
My 'bb' was giving some trouble to which I had to visit the service centre. Figuring out process, filling forms, getting a token number etc was the unexciting part. But the thing that caught my attention was the behaviour of visitors with the girl at desk. They pulled out their best one liners, charismatic compliments and much more to woo that girl.
The point is that no one intended to take the girl out, not even for a cup of coffee. She was an ordinary looking girl with no specific 'adas'. Only thing she did was smile at the compliments.
Every customer wants prompt service and it's her job to deliver so, but to ensure they get better than the best, buttering and flirting was used amply. In the process, if the girl gets hurt it didn't matter a lot to them.
Don't sigh my friends, she enjoyed it. She may have the 'no second look' looks but she had the sixth sense every girl is blessed with. She enjoyed the attention, being at the centre of stage and commanding.
But somewhere I did find the simple little girl, in the world of big bad wolfs. But when you stay in downtown, you become street smart and indeed she was one.
*Respect 'Blackberry Girl'
- nirjeev
PS - I too asked her out for coffee when she delivered my phone.