I distinctly remember; it was one of the nights when Mumbai was on fire, 1992-93 riots. I was afraid. Cries of people and blaring sires were deafening, sleep fairy was nowhere close. But what I remember the most is my mother taking me in her arms and caressing me till I felt safe and crawled to sleep.
As per an old saying, elder sister is like a mother turned friend. On the same lines are my relationship with my elder sister. The relationship was not rosy, we used to fight a lot and our war cry was famous in the whole neighbourhood. In spite of our regular duels, she was the one who always knew everything in advance, even before my best of the best friends. I used to confide in her. She was the one I looked up for advice when in dire straits. Same thing happened with my younger sister; only one thing changed, I started thinking about my future. I knew someone looks up to me and yes, it pushed me to work hard, helped me deliver, and her growing up made me feel more and more responsible towards my actions.
My first act of being responsible was coming down to Pune for higher education. I started taking up challenges head on. The first few years passed by in a jiffy and then slowly everything started to fall in place. The only thing I kept missing was a peaceful sleep. My wish was finally answered; an hour of sleep in my girl’s lap was bliss. I felt content as she kept on playing with my locks and I slipped deeper and deeper into slumber. It didn’t last forever, it was never meant to. I woke up to days knowing she wasn’t around, those were the gloomy days. The only light I could embrace was the one coming from my female friends as they freed me from bagages, helping me get back on feet again.
It would be wrong to say that women made me what I am. But yes, they did play a pivotal role in shaping me by scrubbing off the rough edges. Whomsoever it may be, it is difficult for a man to recognize women and their abilities; the male ego never ever gives up. Here I would like to quote Shri Munshi Premchand, ‘Men are the creatures left behind in the evolution of human being, women are a step ahead, and they are complete’. Nothing else can explain more about women’s part in a man’s life than the above quote. Further on, this quote also clarifies a woman never needs a man but a man always seeks a woman in many forms, so as to attain completeness.
I bow my head and thank all the women I ever met and will ever meet. I love you for whatsoever role you played in my life.
या नारी सर्वभूतेषु
शक्ति रूपेण सम्ष्ठिथा
नमस्तेश्वाई नमस्तेश्वाई
नमस्तेश्वाई नमो नमः